Yesterday I spent a nice quiet evening finishing up laundry and getting some more cleaning done. Something about not being very mobile the last few weeks that got me into a cleaning frenzy when I could finally breathe somewhat comfortably again.
So today is bonus day!! Unfortunately half of my bonus went to taxes. Blegh. The rest went towards groceries, a few necessities, and Dumbo on Blu-ray! Yes, I'm not afraid to admit that I love Disney movies. I blame my Disney obsession on my parents. As a kid I was always envious of kids who had ALL the Disney movies. My brother and I had a few of them, but I always wanted a Disney collection. Hence my alarmingly large collection of kid movies. That and I am sort of a kid at heart. My youngest brother (20 years my junior) and I would have movie nights. So I got into the habit of buying kid movies and have continued after my move from Milwaukee to Atlanta. I use the kids in my life (brother, nieces, friends' children) as my excuse, but I enjoy them probably as much as they do.
Other than that, not much else to report. Bill day 2 of 2 is coming up soon. And for the second time in this post, blegh.
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