
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The M word...

Curse you, Atlanta, and your filthy air!!

So turns out I am a 26 year old woman with the lungs of a 65 year old woman. The doctor I saw today (who is not actually MY doctor, but someone filling in for her) talked over my symptoms with me. To be honest, they aren't completely sure what is going on with me. But they did give me some type of breathing test (I had to breathe into a little tube hooked up to a computer) and well, that's when she told me I had, uh, overly mature lungs. After the breathing test, she started talking about chests X-rays, and follow up appointments, and blood work, etc, etc. My head started to spin. All these procedures she wants to do, and they all will most likely require more than what my insurance will cover. Needless to say, I'm a little worried. Regardless of cost though, I will get them done. For now, they sent me home with prescriptions for Advair and Albuterol and an order to get a chest X-ray done next week, and a follow up appointment two weeks from tomorrow.

Now my ultimate worry with all this? Well obviously, first I'm hoping and praying that whatever they find is NOT serious. Nothing that will require any sort of life altering treatment (i.e. surgery). But the next worry? The "M" word; Medical bills. I pay an arm and a leg every 2 weeks to make sure that I'm covered in case of emergencies. But with all this testing they want to do, I'm worried I'm going to have to pay a lot more in medical bills. I know I have co-pays and all of that fun stuff, but yeah. Still worried.

In other news: I broke my "no spending money on food" spree I was doing so well on. I brought my main lunch (a simple turkey sandwich on wheat bread), and a coworker bought me some sympathy french fries. And dinner? Chick-fil-A with my brother. But I DID make food for tomorrow's lunch. Chicken tacos and black bean/corn salsa. After all, didn't I say I was going to focus on bringing lunches to work? Not dinner? Because if that's the case...then I'm still on a roll!! lol :)


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